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Problems and Solutions

1. Conflicts between members

We fought a lot throughout our business but we managed to resolve it through deep conversations and discussions.

Some of us don't agree on somethings, so we held a poll to decide based on majority votes.

2. Dissatisfactions from pre-order customers 

We received complains from a few customers that our product has gone stale. We discuss with the customers and come in peace with them. This made us offer discount coupons to all our pre-order customers.

3. Products going stale

Some feedbacks stated that some of our products has went stale when they started to eat them. After doing some research, we found the solution where we make the mixture more solidified as the ones from our first pre-order is more liquid. Aside from that, we decided to pack our products as soon as we finished mixing them with their respective flavors and put the popped popcorn into an air-tight container right after popping them.

4. Short in raw materials

As we knew this problem will occur, we decided to set our pre-order closing date 3 days before delivering all our products so that as soon as we found out that we ran out of raw materials while preparing the orders, we directly went to nearby stores to restock.


1. Packaging

Use air-tight containers so that we could sell and ship our products oversea and not just local areas.

2. Flavors

Aside from the flavors we have initialized, we could sell more types of flavors that might be well loved by the customers or maybe trending flavors on social medias.

3. Finance

It is better if the finance manager could record all the receipts made from purchasing raw materials, and also keep track on customers' orders. It is also better for the finance manager to keep updating our audits.

4. Delivery

It is better for the delivery manager to keep updating customers on where and when they can collect their orders. Aside from that, we think our company needs a few delivery motorcycle so that we can deliver all the products more efficiently which does not require much petrol expenses.

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